Thursday, June 26, 2008

Due Date

Brent called today (he's been out of town) and said his phone alarm went off this morning and it said "Baby girl due." He had set his alarm LAST YEAR and didn't take it off. I thought that was pretty funny. I can't believe it's been a year. I had forgotten that today was her due date. Actually, I don't think I new what today was. When you stay at home all day, there's not much need to know the dates, only days. In one week and a day we will celebrate Elliana's 1st birthday. Wow, she has grown and changed so much in this last year. Sometimes I try to imagine what she'll be like when she talks and walks. Adorable I'm sure. But she changes so much now, that it's hard to even anticipate.

Well, I just felt the need to point out that today was Elliana's due date last year. Crazy, but true.
Have a great weekend!!


Unknown said...

For a minute there I thought this was an announcement when I saw "Due Date"! =)

mom@home said...

Oh my, NO! Not planning that for a LONG time.