Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thought Provoking

Today I've been reading a blog by Angie Smith. Some of you may have already came across it. My friend Robin told me about it...audreycaroline.blogspot.com. As some of you know, but probably few of you, before I had Elliana I worked in the Palliative Care department at St. John's in Springfield, MO. Just months before Elliana's birth, I started working with Robin to develop care plans for parents who were pregnant with a child who had a terminal illness, or one that could possibly have serious complications upon arrival. The care plan was an opportunity for the parents to think of what medical treatments they would want for their child, knowing the diagnosis. It gave them a chance to think things through, plan, but also enabled us to let the hospital staff know, so at the time of delivery these parents could cherish their time with their child and not be forced to make decisions no parent wants to make.

This blog by Angie is an amazing record of one family's journey with such a diagnosis.

I was inspired as I read the faith and strength portrayed in her writings. Only my God could give such courage. I am challenged to love my child unconditionally throughout the years (even when she makes me really mad); to cry out to and cling to Jesus; to know Him so intimately that I hear His voice in the everyday; to grow in stature.

I pray that as you follow along in my blog, or if you choose to take a look at audreycaroline.blogspot.com, it will take you one step closer to Jesus.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE her blog and am catching up on it. She is amazing at putting all those feelings into words. Thanks for sharing!